Why you should update your Apple iPhone today


As someone reluctant to make iPhone updates until absolutely necessary, let’s be clear: Friday’s iOS 14.4.2 software release is something you need to take some time for. install today. Like now.

As MacRumors notes, this is an important security fix. Apple has also released iOS and iPadOS 12.5.2 security updates for older devices and watchOS 7.3.3 for their smartwatches. Here is Apple’s reasoning for the update: “Processing maliciously crafted web content can lead to universal cross-site scripting. Apple is aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited. The last two words are the important part here.

The non-technical explanation, via Gizmodo: “If you plan to visit sketchy websites, well, you might be in trouble unless you install the update.”

It’s always a good idea to check out why Apple is updating, but security concerns should remain a priority. That said, many users are eagerly awaiting iOS 14.5, which will allow you to unlock your iPhone using your Apple Watch while wearing a face mask and add application tracking transparency, which allows new messages to be released. ‘permission that apps should display before. they share user credentials.

To update your phone, go to Settings> General> Software update. If you need help updating, go here.

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