WI high school student dies suddenly from COVID-19 illness


A 16-year-old high school student from Wisconsin died suddenly during Thanksgiving vacation from coronavirus-related illness, his family and school officials said.

Isai Morocho, a junior at Madison’s East High School, has died of “COVID-19 pneumonia,” the student’s father, Milton Morocho, told Spanish-language news channel Miwisconsin. com.

The father told the local outlet that the determination was made from a toxicology test after their son died suddenly.

“This is a huge loss for everyone in our community,” said East High School principal Brendan Kearney, who informed students and families of Isai’s death. “Our hearts go out to his family at this time of unimaginable grief.”

Kearney, in a video statement, said Isai “was an excellent student” with an interest in theater and cooking.

Isai’s father told Miwisconsin his son suffered from diarrhea and vomiting, but did not have any respiratory symptoms common in coronavirus patients.

The high school student had also tested negative for COVID-19 in hospital days before his death, his father said.

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