Will Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor become a Duke?


Unlike his cousins, the son of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor was not born with the status of king. But that does not mean that he will not receive a royal title during his lifetime. Will Baby Archie become a Duke? Discover it in advance.

Royal title of Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with Archie baby
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with Archie baby | Dominic Lipinski – Pool WPA / Getty Images

In the royal family, children and grandchildren of the monarch born with the status of prince and princess – which is why Prince Charles and his sons are princes. However, given their place in the estate, Queen Elizabeth amended the by-law to give the same status to the children of Prince William and Kate Middleton. But the same can not be said of Prince Louis.

Rumor has it that the queen offered to make the same changes for Baby Archie, but Prince Harry and Meghan Markle did not want to complicate things, especially since a royal title means nothing to a newborn baby. Instead, they will wait for Prince Charles to become king. At this point, Archie will automatically become Prince Archie, in accordance with the rules of the Royal Title.

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But, Prince is not the only status that Baby Archie could receive during his lifetime. Depending on his involvement in the royal family, Archie could receive a duchy at the wedding, just like his father. However, dukedoms are one of the most important titles of the royal family and are generally reserved for people with full-time status. If Prince Harry and Meghan Markle encourage their son to lead a more normal life outside the royal family – like Peter Phillips and Zara Tindall – he may not receive a royal title or opt for anything less than Viscount or Earl.

Do Prince Harry and Meghan Markle want a royal title for their son?

In the months before her arrival, it was thought that if Queen Elizabeth proposed to make baby Archie a prince, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would decline – after all, they want their son (and all future children) to live in. out of the territory. royal spotlight.

However, some reports claim that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are perfectly willing to become a prince during Prince Charles's ascent. That said, a royal title will not prevent them from continuing to promote normality in their families – especially for their children.

According to the path taken by Baby Archie, he could be awarded a duchy or other royal title that would draw attention to his family roots. But ultimately, the decision belongs to the monarch – which would probably be his uncle William, because a king or queen is the only one allowed to assign a royal title to someone, including family members.

It's not because baby Archie will grow out of the royal spotlight that he will not grow apart from the royal family. Like Peter Phillips and Zara Tindall, Archie will likely attend family functions, spend his vacations at Balmoral Castle each summer, and participate in Trooping the Color and other receptions for the royal family. He could even attack his parents and explore a career in philanthropy. However, it is likely that he will not be royal full time.

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