Will Nicole and Cliff break their last contract?


About three weeks ago, Nicole, Cliff, Jackson and Holly all shook hands to sign a final deal. Until now, Jackson and Holly have dominated the last three weeks with consecutive wins from the heads of household, protecting Cliff and Nicole every time.

However, Jackson and Holly are the most powerful competitors and it would be a huge step forward to break the power couple. Could Nicole and Cliff consider getting their final deal with showmance? Keep reading to find out.

* SPOILER ALERT * This article contains information that has not yet been released, including the winner of the Head of Household and BB Comics Veto.

Big Brother 21 Cliff Nicole
Cliff Hogg | Robert Voets / CBS via Getty Images

Nicole won BB Comics Veto's "Big Brother 21" contest

After leaving Live Feeders for about five hours, they picked up the thread, showing Nicole that she was wearing the Power of Veto collar. According to other guests in the House, she recorded a record time of ten minutes and 58 seconds, almost four minutes faster than anyone else.

Cliff approached Nicole in private and hugged the help of the preschooler, repeatedly telling him how proud he was of her. They then went into the storage room for a celebratory dance and told the cameras that this victory was dedicated to Ovi, their other member of the Zing Alliance.

The star of Big Brother 21, Jackson and Holly, become paranoid

While Cliff and Nicole were celebrating downstairs, Jackson had a frank conversation with Holly about what Nicole's win could mean for them. He explained that Nicole would most likely use the Veto on Cliff and that Jackson should name Holly as a replacement.

As a result, Holly and Tommy would be the new candidates, while Cliff and Nicole would be the only ones to vote for the expulsion. Jackson went on to explain that it was possible for both of them to use this opportunity to send Holly to the Jury and try his luck next week, as he can not compete in the Head of Household competition.

The waiter ended his speech by informing Holly that if Cliff and Nicole were smart, they would do it to improve their game. The beauty of the pageant got upset and admitted that she had not even tried to win the game. contest because this scenario had never crossed his mind.

Jackson tried to assure Holly that everything would be fine, because he did not think they would do that to them, especially after keeping them safe. However, Holly repeatedly asked if Jackson would ask Nicole not to use the veto.

Instead, they went to the motorhome room and Nicole almost immediately reassured them that even though she will use the Veto on Cliff, she will not come back on their contract.

Nicole and Cliff plan to break their last four deals

Later in the night, Cliff and Nicole chatted in the caravan room and she explored the possibility of keeping Tommy above Holly. However, Cliff fears losing the Jackson and Holly jury votes if they double them. The two let go of the conversation, but Nicole dive deeper when she was alone with the cameras at 3 in the morning.

Although he understands the benefits of breaking the power couple Jackson and Holly, she does not think Tommy will turn to Jackson if he wins the power of Veto. Then their plan would turn against her and Cliff or she would go home next week. Nicole finally decided to stop thinking too much about the situation and said that she would talk to Tommy later.

'Big Brother 21' Should Nicole and Cliff Rock?

Keeping Tommy on Holly is smarter for the Cliff and Cliff game and multiplies their chances of winning. For example, the remaining competitions are mainly memory and memory competitions, where Jackson tends not to perform well.

If the server does not win the PoV, it then joins the jury and Tommy, Cliff and Nicole are among the top three. These competitions are usually memory, and Tommy has not done well in previous competitions of memory.

Therefore, Cliff and Nicole could make the final 2 a lot easier if they voted against Holly instead of Tommy, because Holly voted for Jackson and another person who won the Veto for him.

However, there is always a chance that something will go wrong. Moreover, Nicole has admitted that the majority of her decisions are based on what she thinks is right and that, if Jackson shares her HoH with her, it will certainly make the task more difficult.

But if Cliff and she double the presentation and one of them comes to the end, this decision will bring them the votes of the Jury. Can Nicole and Cliff break their final deal with Jackson and Holly? Watch Big Brother Sunday at 8 pm EST on CBS to find out.


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