Will Prince Harry's baby and Meghan Markle beat this royal record?


The arrival of Prince Harry's baby and Meghan Markle is fast approaching and, although the royal watchers are wondering if they will have a boy or a girl and what they will call Baby Sussex, there is another noteworthy detail . Baby Sussex will he beat a royal record held by his cousin, Prince Louis?

Visit of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry to Pillars, a charitable organization active in New Zealand
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | JASON DORDAY / AFP / Getty Images

When is Baby Sussex due?

The exact date of Meghan Markle's deadline remains a mystery, but many
speculate that the arrival of the baby will arrive soon, on the basis of
official pregnancy announcement stating a "spring" arrival. We are finally in
the spring months and it seems that Markle has slowed down his appearances.

During her recent visit to Birkenhead, she suggested some hints that she was nearing the expected date of her return to Babkenhead and that she expected Baby Sussex "by the end of April, may's beginning".

Earlier this month, at a ceremony in honor of Prince Charles, Welsh state secretary, Alun Cairns, asked Markle a question about her pregnancy: "All is in order? I am sure everyone is asking. She replied, "No, it's really very nice. It's a very nutritious sweet thing to ask. We are almost here!

Baby Sussex will he beat a royal record?

It will be interesting to see if the baby Markle and Prince Harry beats a record held by Prince Louis – who is the heir to the heaviest throne of the century, according to Hello! magazine. Louis weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces at birth.

According to the report, Louis is the grandson of Prince Charles to this day. In comparison, Prince George weighed 8 pounds and 6 ounces at birth and Princess Charlotte weighed 8 pounds and 3 ounces.

Louis is not the heaviest baby
in the royal family, but rather, the greatest heir to the throne. The biggest
royal baby was Lena, Mike's daughter and Zara Tindall, who weighed 9 pounds 3
ounces at birth in June 2018.

In December, Kate Middleton said her children would be thrilled with the arrival of Prince Harry and the Markle baby, noting during a visit to the University of Leicester: "It's such a special moment for all children . And a cousin of George and Charlotte too, and Louis. So it will be really special.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle set an interesting record

In the meantime, there is another royal baby record that the couple to have together – the Duke and Duchess of Sussex "produced a future royal baby faster than the rest of the British monarchy", hello! magazine reports.

Jaumo recently analyzed ten royal families from various countries to determine which ones produced the fastest children. Hi! magazine notes: "According to the findings, British royal couples wait an average of 1008 days, or 2.76 years, between marriage and their first child, or 1166 days from the time they got engaged to their first child, plus long as any other royal European home. . "

The report adds, "But Meghan and Harry did not stay around … Meghan must give birth to her first child in April 2019, less than a year after her marriage in May 2018 with Prince Harry."


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