Will Prince William be the godfather of Prince Harry's baby boy and Meghan Markle?


Hi, HARK! Meghan Markle is just weeks far from its planned date, which means that a new royal baby will soon bless us with his adorable presence. More specifically, this baby will eventually bless us during his baptism, a fantasy event involving a deeply added nightgown and a parade of godfathers and godmothers in top hats.

But who will ask for the list of godparents of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle? NOT PRINCE WILLIAM, LOL. And the decision has little to do with William's alleged "Feeled" relationship with his brother and sister-in-law.

In this case, why will William almost certainly be rejected? Everything comes back to tradition, my guys.

The Royals do not choose their brothers and sisters, Mmmkay?

Here in Trump America (Help), it is quite common to choose a beloved brother or sister to be the godfather of your child. Not so much in the royal family. Yeah, Meghan and Harry could mix things up and name Prince William as Godfather of Princess Samantha Markle II, but here's the thing:

Harry is not a godfather ALL children of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Thus, the chances for the Duke of Sussex to give his brother a solid reputation despite three sets of refusals are, in a word, slim.

But, like, why are the royals like that?

IDK, sigh, the royal family is just * special. * But if you're really desperate for answers, once upon a time (read: just when Prince George was baptized), Royal Correspondent Robert Jobson explained Harry's rejection, saying that he "would have a role in [the baby’s] life anyway. "Good, good.



So … Is the family never included?

If that's your way to subtly ask if Meghan's reality TV cousins ​​might or might not work their way to the list, I'm at your side! And while Tyler Dooley is likely habit to be asked for reasons related to #thirst, he (and Harry's cousins!) technically could to be godparents, at least according to the royal protocol. Again, just look at the list of Kate and William for reference!

Cool, so who will * be * godparents?

For complete ventilation, go this way. We're probably looking for a combination of Jessica and Ben Mulroney (aka Meghan's best friend / stylist + her husband), Lindsay Jill Roth (Meghan's other boyfriend since college), some classy Harry friends, and maaaaybe Serena Williams – She hosted the recent Meghan Birthday, a role often reserved for godmothers. Not on the list? Apart from William and Kate, it would be George and Amal Clooney, who recently closed the rumors!

We will update this post once the baby born royal (you never know what could happen), but until then ….


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