Will Smith breaks down his best and worst movies


The actor explains what he thinks are the best films of his filmography, as well as the worst.

Will Smith explains what he thinks are his best movies, as well as his worst.

According to The Hollywood Journalist, Smith participated in a GQ series where he infiltrated online and answered questions and comments about himself. When asked what were his best and worst entries in his considerable filmography, the actor replied “For the best I think it is a connection between the first Men in black and The pursuit of happiness. For various reasons, these are the two near-perfect films.

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Released in 1997, the science fiction comedy Men in Black was a free adaptation of the Malibu Comics series of the same name. The film was a huge success, garnering both positive reviews, box office returns and, with Bad Boys and Independence Day, helped establish Smith as a successful star.

The Pursuit of Happiness was a drama released in 2006, based on the memoir of stockbroker Chris Gardner. The film was notable for being the acting debut of Smith’s son Jaden, who plays Gardner’s son in the film, as well as earning Smith himself an Oscar nomination for Best Actor. When asked how he could have been ignored for winning the award, Smith replied, “Ding, ding, ding. Yes, good question. Let’s send that to the proper authorities.” The Oscar instead went to Forest Whitaker for playing Ugandan dictator Idi Amin in The Last King of Scotland.

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As for Smith’s worst movie, his answer was Savage, Savage Where is, which he laughed at called “a thorn in my side. Seeing me with guys… I don’t like it.” A remake of the ’60s television series of the same name, the film saw Smith re-team with Men in black director Barry Sonnenfeld for another genre action comedy. Savage, Savage Where is did not meet expectations from a business and critical point of view.

Notably, Smith’s decision to make Savage, Savage Where is forces him to refuse the leading role in The Matrix. “I’m not proud of it,” Smith said of the decision. “But… Keanu [Reeves] was perfect. Laurence Fishburne was perfect. So I probably would have messed up The matrix up. I would have ruined it, so I did you a favor. “

Currently, Smith is expected to star in the biopic King Richard in which he will play Richard Williams, famous tennis trainer and father of Venus and Serena Williams. He will also be in the upcoming Civil War thriller Emancipation, directed by Antoine Fuqua, which will be presented in preview on Apple TV +.

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Source: The Hollywood Journalist

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