Will the media treat Meghan Markle differently now that she is a mother?


Marriage in the royal family has many advantages. You meet interesting people, travel the world and live in a castle. For most people, it's a dream that has no chance of becoming reality. However, Meghan Markle was able to realize her dreams the day she met her real Prince Charming, and quickly became the Duchess of Sussex.

Although living in the royal life has very good benefits, there is also a major disadvantage to become royal: the control of the media. Now that Meghan is a mother, will the media treat her differently?

The obsession of the media for Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle is now a mother | Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

It seems that since Meghan started dating Prince Harry, the media have been following her all the time. There is no party, family reunion or even a baby shower she can attend without the media commenting on it.

At one point, the attention of the media had become so unbearable as they were going out together, that Harry asked the Palace Communications Secretary to issue a statement urging the media to back down.

The statement began with the secretary informing the public that Harry was aware that many people around the world had always been curious about his private life. "But last week crossed a line," reads the statement. "His girlfriend, Meghan Markle, has been subjected to a wave of abuse and harassment."

The statement then added that he was very worried about Meghan's safety and that he "knows that commentators will say that it's" the price to pay "and that" it's all part of the game " he disagreed, "It's not a game, it's his life and his."

The statement was a gentle gesture at the time and showed how much Harry had cared for Meghan since the beginning of the relationship. Since then, the curiosity of the media has not really diminished. Although she seems to have a little more privacy now that she enjoys the protection of the Royal Guards and her family to ensure her safety.

Kate Middleton knows what Meghan Markle goes through

When Kate Middleton began dating Prince William, the media was in a frenzy in search of all that they could find on the young woman. She was photographed every time she came out of her house and the media looked at everything from her choice of outfits to her stores.

In fact, while Kate and William were still in a relationship, William also had to make a harsh statement to the media, urging them to leave his girlfriend alone. "Prince William is very unhappy with the paparazzi harassment of his girlfriend," reads the statement. "He wants, more than anything, that it stops."

Will the media start treating Meghan Markle differently now that she's a mother?

Although Kate's media obsession was sometimes brutal, she began to fade after she became a mother. They were always very curious about her life, but each time she was seen with her children, she seemed to be congratulated for her mother's quality.

Kate and William still have a relationship of love-hate with the media. They may have conveyed their media disgust to their children – their daughter, Charlotte, licked at the cameras and even told them they were not coming to the church where her little brother's baptism took place .

Since the media's opinion of Kate seemed to have softened after she became a mother, we hope Meghan will have the same fate: On May 6, 2019, Meghan and Harry welcomed a beautiful 7kg boy. 3 oz at birth. Now that his precious son, Archie Harrison, has arrived, people should start to see the softer side of Meghan, which, hopefully, will make them want to stop attacking his character.


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