Will the new PS5 model solve Sony’s long-standing Wi-Fi problems?


A screen of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart on PS5 with Ratchet pulling a Wi-Fi symbol.

Ratchet can fix anything.
Picture: Sony / Kotaku

The PlayStation 5 is big and beautiful hardware, but it’s not without its problems … issues like Wi-Fi connections go completely gone until the system is turned off and back on. This is an issue that many PS5 owners have encountered since launch, and while there are workarounds out there, it would be nice if the new console model with its potentially different Wi-Fi module, completely solved the problem.

Wait a minute, the PlayStation 5 is networking like a champ. The next one I can’t connect and when I go to reset my Wi-Fi connection the console cannot find any access point, although I live in an apartment complex and am surrounded by wireless routers with names like “MoFi” and “realtannggyy.” Everything else in my house that connects to Wi-Fi, from my Xbox Series X to my presumably smart lamp, can see the Wi-Fi network. The only way to do it to make the PS5 revert to Wi-Fi networks is to turn it off completely and then turn it back on.

This is the problem I had with my PS5 in December 2020, and I was not alone. Many Reddit users had the problem. Going through this Reddit thread, the problem persists until March of last year. Most recently, game reviewer Janet Garcia asked about the issue on Twitter, getting multiple responses indicating that others were still going through the exact same thing.

The best solution to the problem is, of course, to use a faster, more stable wired connection, but not everyone is able to do this. Others have suggested that this is an issue with 2.4GHz vs. 5GHz Wi-Fi connections, and forcing your PS5 to connect only through 2.4GHz might fix it.

What worked for me was the solution detailed in this Reddit thread, so the problem is with support for Internet Protocol version 6, also known as IPv6. I ended up disabling IPv6 on my wireless router and my PlayStation 5 has connected without a hitch since then.

It’s a frustrating issue nonetheless, but there may be hope on the horizon for future PS5 owners when the new model recently confirmed begins to unfold. In addition to fixing the pesky bracket screw, reporting back in may suggest that the new model could also receive a new wireless adapter. The main difference between the new model AW-XM501 wireless module and the original J20H100 module is the antenna gain, which shouldn’t affect speed but could definitely affect connectivity.

We’ve reached out to Sony regarding the potential for an upcoming Wi-Fi patch in the new PS5 hardware model, and we’ll update this post if the company responds. In the meantime, if you are having similar network issues, try these fixes. Or just get a long network cable and a nice rug to hide it under.


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