Will the United States or China reach Mars first? The space race is heating up


A 3D render of Mars.

In February, an unmanned spacecraft from China and the United States is expected to reach Mars, where the two will send rovers to the icy surface, offering dueling images of its barren landscapes. It will likely take a decade or more for humans to travel the planet, but both countries want to acquire the expertise to dominate what lies beyond our atmosphere, along with China. aimed at catching up with – or surpassing – the United States, which has made eight successful Mars landings since 1976. “Mars has assumed the symbolic role of demonstrating the superiority of technology,” says Alice Gorman, associate professor at Flinders University of ‘Adelaide, Australia, specializing in space archeology.

Their competition is also heating up closer to home, as space takes more and more economic and military importance. NASA is working on plans to return astronauts on the moon during this decade, and China is preparing an unmanned lunar mission for 2023 with a view to a possible trip there by its astronauts. This would follow a 2019 visit which, for the first time, sent an investigation to the far side of the moon, as well as the Chang’e-5 mission, which returned to Earth in December with samples of the moon’s surface, which only the United States and the Soviet Union had done before.

relates to Race to Mars Brings Sino-U.S. Tensions Into Outer Space

From NASA Curiosity vagabond.

Source: NASA


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