Will wallrunning and super jump come to Apex Legends? | Dexerto.com


A number of new leaks from Apex Legends surfaced after the update of the March 6 games, the latest leak suggesting that new movement changes could be added soon.

The Data Miners have done their best to delve into the game's files since the last update – trying to find out what will follow the very popular title of the free-to-play Royal Battle.

Several new things have already been found. Two new weapons, a flamethrower and a remote turret, were discovered on March 8, while allusions to a "night mode" at stake as well as a "community happy hour" were also revealed later in the day.

Now, there has been more clues about possible additions to wallrunning and super jumps.

Respawn Entertainment

Players may soon see their movement in play change after the first fall.

Wallrunning is a key part of the gameplay of Respawn Entertainment's Titanfall series. According to rumors, Apex Legends is known since its launch on February 4th.

Thanks to @RealApexLeaks, it seems that more files have been added to the game for the wallrunning – which could completely change the way the game is played and open a new level of verticality to the players.

Twitter: RealApexLeaks

Players could soon bounce on Bunker's walls with Wallrunning

Code was also discovered regarding the super jump, which was also part of the Titanfall series – allowing players to easily reach great heights.

Twitter: RealApexLeaks

Superjump could bring a huge rebound to Apex.

However, these files could simply be remnants of the Titanfall series, Apex Legends having originally started as the third installment of the famous franchise.

A number of leaks, appeared shortly after the arrival of Apex Legends, have already been classified as files of the original development of Titanfall 3.


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