William Shatner, 90, overcomes fear of sharks by swimming with them


As Discovery’s Shark Week continues, Monday’s special is called Unknown Expedition: Shark Trek, introduces Captain Kirk himself, William Shatner, trying to conquer his fear of sharks by boldly going and jumping into the water with them.

“I have a mortal fear of sharks,” Shatner told show host Josh Gates. “I am really.”

So to facilitate the Star Trek actor in things, Gates began by taking Shatner through a few relatively safe tours with hammerhead sharks and reef sharks, neither of which are known to eat or attack humans. But those were just the appetizer courses, the main course was swimming with potentially lethal tiger sharks, and hoped not to to become the main course.

With Gates and a team of experts by his side, Shatner came face to face with various tiger sharks underwater, some as large as 15 feet in length. And while there were a few tense moments trying to predict when and where the sharks would swim next, Shatner seemed to really enjoy the experience.

“They are so beautiful, they are unlike anything I have ever seen,” he said.

And despite the danger, viewers on Twitter loved seeing Shatner in the water with the sharks, saying things like, “William Shatner is one of the greatest icons and greatest human beings, and seeing him on Shark. Week is more than a treat. Thank you sir.”

And as many viewers have pointed out, maybe what is most impressive is that Shatner took on this mission at the age of 90, with comments like “William Shatner is the bravest 90-year-old alive”.

One viewer even suggested that Shatner’s appearance in Shark Week deserved to win an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony. And while the rewards remain to be seen, Shatner got something even more important from the experience.

“Unbelievable. One of the highlights of my life,” Shatner said. And when Gates asked him if he had conquered his fear, Shatner replied, “I have.”

Shark week continue all this week on Discovery.

Watch what happened when the Jackass gang faced off against Shark Week:

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