Windows Solitaire inducted into the World Video Game Hall of Fame


Windows Solitaire inducted into the World Video Game Hall of Fame


The classic Windows game Solitary has joined sites such as Condemn, Tetris, and World of Warcraft being inducted into the Strong Museum of Play's Global Video Game Hall of Fame. The award recognizes SolitaryThe role of as an important part of the story of the game.

Solitary was first shipped with Windows 3.0. A bit like the other notable group game, Minesweeper, Solitary was there to serve as a secret tutorial: at a time when the mouse was still considered a new exotic hardware, Solitary clicked, double-clicked and drag-and-drop skills. As a computerized version of a familiar card game, it was instantly recognizable. It came with all later versions of Windows, up to Windows 7. Windows 8 has replaced it with a much more varied set of card games.

The combination of ease of access and networking means that the game has been installed on more than one billion computers and that it has probably already been played by billions of dollars. of people.

Despite his fame and his huge base of players, I would hesitate to call Solitary a good game. It's a simple version of the card game, and aside from the animated cartoon back and the iconic victory animation that sees all the cards coming out of their pile and bouncing back, it's n & # 39; He did not really benefit from his computerization.

Perhaps the most unforgivable is that many hands of Solitary are simply impossible, no matter how good the game is. Compare that with the higher good Free cellwhere, in theory, all regular games can be won. And both of those pale in comparison to Minesweeper, a game that probably must be played on a computer, having no real counterpart to the analog world.


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