Winfrey, Pitt producing Coates’ “Water Dancer”


Winfrey Pitt producing Coates Water Dancer

Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo Films and Brad Pitt’s Plan B are teaming up to produce a film adaptation of Ta-Nehisi Coates’ novel “The Water Dancer” for MGM.

Set in the pre-Civil War South, the story follows Hiram Walker, born into slavery. He has an amazing photographic memory but has no recollection of his mother.

A car accident reveals to her a superpower called conduction, an ability to travel great distances and which is triggered by powerful memories of her mother. As he struggles to understand this power, he embarks on the Underground Railroad and meets historical figures.

Coates has adapted his own novel and Pitt, Winfrey and Kamilah Forbes will be producing. Forbes directed the Coates ‘Between the World and Me’ theatrical event which will be released later this month on HBO Max.

Source: THR

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