Winners and losers of the last preseason game


The pre-season is finally over after the loss to the Seahawks 17-17 in Seattle. It was a slow game that did not involve a lot of action at the start with virtually no one doing the list.

The Raiders attack had a hard time finishing orders and had to settle for goals too often. The defense had difficulties in the first half but rebounded with an excellent game in second. Let's look at the winners and losers of week 4 of the pre-season.

Winner: RB Mack Brown

One of the most notable players on Thursday night brought out Mack Brown from the University of Florida. He has deployed enough talent to land him a position in any NFL coaching team.

Brown finished the night with 79 yards on 15 runs for an average of 5.3 YPCs. His longest run was 22 yards showing his gust that we did not see the whole preseason. Although Brown will not be part of this training with the crowded race hall on Thursday night, he proved he was an NFL player with room to flourish.

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