Wisconsin Senator Pushes Go Pack Go Again


It's a nightmare that happens on a few Sundays every year: Packers fans living on the edge of Viking territory can not watch their beloved cable or satellite team if Green Bay plays along with Minnesota.

This could change if US Senator Tammy Baldwin succeeds.

Wisconsin Democrat, Tuesday, Sept. 10, reintroduced its Go Pack Go Act, a measure that would require cable and satellite companies to give Wisconsin subscribers access to networks in one of Canada's media markets. State.

Currently, 12 Wisconsin border counties are part of the Twin Cities or Duluth-Superior media markets, according to a press release issued by Baldwin's office. This means that when the games of both teams coincide – as is planned for weeks 3, 14 and 17 of the NFL season this year – some Wisconsin residents will see purple and gold jerseys on their home TVs, instead of the Packers green. and gold.

"My #GoPackGo Act will ensure that #Cheeseheads never look at Vikings instead of @Packers," commented Baldwin on Tuesday.

The honorable senator introduced this measure for the first time last year, but she died in committee.


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