With Kata Containers and Zuul, OpenStack Completes First Infrastructure Projects – TechCrunch


In the last 18 months, the OpenStack Foundation has stopped focusing only on the central OpenStack project but also on an opening to other projects related to the infrastructure. The first two of these projects, Kata Containers and the Zuul project control system, have now left their pilot phase and have become the first OpenStack Foundation high level open infrastructure projects.

The Foundation announced the announcement at its Open Infrastructure Summit (previously known as the OpenStack Summit) in Denver today after the organization's board voted in favor of their election before this week's conference. "It's a great step for the projects themselves," said Jonathan Bryce, executive director of the OpenStack Foundation. "It's a validation that over the last 18 months they have created sustainable and productive communities."

It's also an important step for the OpenStack Foundation itself, which is still reinventing itself in many ways. He can now point to two successful projects under his direction, which will surely help him as he goes along and try to attract other projects looking to put their open source projects under the 39, aegis of a foundation.

In addition to the finalization of these first two projects, Airship, a set of open source tools for the implementation of private clouds, is currently the subject of a pilot project, available today in the version 1.0. "The airship is from AT & T," said Bryce. "They designed this system taking into account their need to bring together a set of open source tools to meet their needs. And that's why, from the beginning, this is really what we would like to see more in the free software world and why we are extremely happy to be able to support their efforts there. "

With Airship, developers use YAML documents to describe the final environment and create a production-ready Kubernetes cluster, deployed by OpenStack's Helm tool, without any other dependencies of OpenStack.

Ryan van Wyk, Assistant Vice President of Software Network Network Cloud at AT & T, said many companies want to use some open source components, but that interactions between them are often difficult and that Even though it's relatively easy to manage the lifecycle of a tool, it's hard to do it when you import multiple open source tools, each with its own lifecycle. "What we've seen over the past five years working in this space is that you can go out and find all the different open source solutions you need," he said. "But the operator must then invest a lot of engineering time and create extensions and wrappers and perhaps some orchestration to handle the lifecycle of the different software needed to provide the same." infrastructure."

It should be noted that nothing on Airship is specific to the world of telecom, even if it's no secret, OpenStack is very popular in the world of telecom and, unsurprisingly, the Foundation takes advantage of the event this week to highlight the role of the OpenStack project in the upcoming launch carriers.

In addition, the event will showcase OpenStack's "bare metal" capabilities, an area where the project has also focused on the latest releases. Indeed, the Foundation announced today that its "nu-metal" tools now manage more than one million computing hearts. To codify these efforts, the Foundation also today launched the OpenStack Ironic Bare Metal program, which brings together some of the biggest users of the project, such as Verizon Media (TechCrunch's home, although we were not operating in the cloud Verizon), 99Cloud, China. Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom, Mirantis, OVH, Red Hat, SUSE, Vexxhost and ZTE.


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