Wizards chose Beal over the wall – The Athletic


This one is simple.

The Wizards, over the past two years, have come to believe in Bradley Beal more than John Wall.

And they knew if they brought Wall back like the last two years hadn’t happened, and it was again in 2017, and he had the boulder again, that Beal would make his way out of town. . Maybe not this season; maybe not even next season, but inevitably he would be gone. And if they had to pick one or the other, it would be Beal – who worked on a bad team last season and had a great season, playing well enough in a 25-win squad to warrant serious consideration of the NBA. He is 27 years old. He’s in the prime of his life. He became a leader. It is worth trying to build a franchise.

With the ability to present the best possible case to Beal to stay beyond the end of his current contract – by no means a guarantee, for that matter; if you ask me the odds of it still being there in 2023, I would still put them at 30-70 against – the …


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