Wolf Alice’s Ellie Rowsell Alleges Marilyn Manson’s Misconduct at Music Festival


Wolf Alice singer Ellie Rowsell shared a story from her own experience meeting Marilyn Manson while tweeting her solidarity with the ex-girlfriend of shock rocker Evan Rachel Wood. “I met Marilyn backstage at a festival a few years ago. After his compliments to my group became more and more hyperbolic, I became suspicious of his behavior, ”she Publish bed. “I was shocked to look down and see he was filming my skirt with a GoPro.”

Rowsell continues, “There was no impact on his behavior, his tour manager just said ‘he does this kind of thing all the time.’ If he does this sort of thing all the time, why the hell has he been headlining festivals for so many years? When will we stop allowing misogynists because of their success? Women should feel safe in the male dominated world of the music industry.

Evan Rachel Wood’s allegations of grooming and abuse by Manson earlier this month were followed by further allegations of various misconduct by several women. Manson was then ditched by his record label, touring agency and longtime manager.

On February 1, Jenna Jameson told the Daily mail that the singer had “fantasized about burning [her] alive “when they dated in 1997. Ex-wife Dita Von Teese, who divorced Manson after a one-year marriage in 2006” due to infidelity and drug addiction, “said Feb. 4 that “the details made public do not correspond to my experience during our 7 years together as a couple. The same day, Phoebe Bridgers too said the singer once called a room in his house a “r * pe room”, before writing: “The label knew, the management knew, the band knew. Distancing yourself now, pretending to be shocked and horrified is fucking pathetic.

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