Wolfgang Van Halen says he was asked to play ‘Eruption’ at this year’s Grammy Awards


WOLFGANG VAN HALEN Says He Was Asked To Perform 'Eruption' At This Year's GRAMMY AWARDS

Eddie Van Halenhis son confirmed that he was invited to pay a musical tribute to his father this year Grammy Awards but he refused.

The legendary VAN HALEN axeman was included in Sunday night’s “In Memoriam” segment at the 63rd Annual Conference Grammy Awards, or The Academy of Recording paid tribute to the musicians who died last year. At some point in the segment, Eddie Van HalenThe virtuoso’s name flashed on the screen in a 20-second archive clip of the virtuoso playing a live “Eruption” solo while a spotlight shone on his iconic Frankenstrat.

Shortly after the section aired, a number of musicians The Academy of Recording for his moderate treatment of Van halen, with old VAN HALEN singer Gary Cherone tweeting: “Perhaps an artist who has reinvented the way you play an instrument, who continues to influence generations of musicians and, literally changed the course of rock’n’roll deserves more than fifteen seconds at Grammys? “

Earlier today, Wolfgang van halen, who replaced Michael anthony as VAN HALENthe 2007 bassist, released a statement criticizing how his father was honored at the event and explaining why he decided not to participate in the tribute. He wrote: “The Grammys asked me to play ‘Eruption’ for the “In Memoriam” section and I refused. I don’t think anyone could have lived up to what my father did for music other than himself.

“I had understood that there would be an ‘In Memoriam’ section where pieces of songs would be performed for legendary artists who had passed. I had no idea they would only show Pop for 15 seconds in the middle of 4 full performance while others we had lost.

“What hurt the most was that he wasn’t even mentioned when they talked about artists we lost at the start of the show. I know rock is not the kind. more popular right now, (and the academy seems a bit outside of touch) but I think it’s impossible to ignore the legacy my father left on the instrument, the world of rock and music. music in general There will never be another innovator like him.

“I’m not trying to start some sort of hate parade here, I just wanted to explain my side. I know Pop would probably laugh at that and say ‘Hey who gives a shit?’ Anyway, he was only talking about the music, the rest didn’t matter.

“I would love to have the opportunity to speak with the Recording Academy not only about my father’s legacy, but the rock genre legacy in the future as well.

“Thank you.”

The Academy of Recording is regularly criticized for failing to include musicians who have died in the past year, largely due to the show’s time limits. More than 800 names were considered for inclusion this year, according to Variety. On its website, The Academy of Recording included all of these names on a more comprehensive list, noting that the “In Memoriam” television segment is intended to highlight only some of the artists who have passed away this year, not necessarily all of them.

Eddie died in October at the age of 65.

VAN HALEN was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2007.

Rolling stone classified magazine Eddie Van Halen No. 8 in his list of the 100 greatest guitarists.


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