Woman licks items in grocery store on Instagram


Anti-masks always take a stand against any kind of COVID security protocol in the strangest way.

Jodie Meschuk, a blogger who believes vaccines cause autism, filmed herself licking various items in the grocery store and posting them on social media for her like-minded followers.

The video begins by showing Meschuk and his young son walking into an unnamed store with the text “not the law” superimposed on an image of the store’s mask politics.

She’s certainly not the only person pictured without a mask in the store, but she quickly sets herself apart from the rest by licking bags of produce, apparently while her own son films her.

“Germs boost your immune system,” Meschuk writes on the video. “Exposure to germs strengthens the defenses against asthma and allergies.”

And apparently she wants all the germs she can possibly find in the middle of a pandemic, because after licking the bags, she moves on to lick things that have been a lot more touching from random people, namely the freezer door in front of White The claws and handle of his cart.

“Be free!” it captions the end of the video. “Love over fear.”

While comments on her Instagram support her antics, viewers weren’t as kind once the video reached the iamatotalpieceofshit subreddit.

“’You know what a really sane, not crazy person would do in a supermarket? Lick the whole store, ”mocked u / StrongIslandPiper.

“There are literally people like that filming this shit thinking they’re doing the lords job and it’s hilarious,” u / H2Joee wrote. “Karma is a bitch. “

Grocery stores have not looked kindly at people doing these kinds of stunts as the threat of COVID-19 looms.

Last year, a California woman was actually arrested for licking jewelry in a store, putting it on and filling her basket with items valued at $ 1,800, which could no longer be sold while she could not pay them herself, due to contamination.

Likewise, a man from Missouri was accused of making terrorist threats after licking deodorant at Walmart while making fun of people who were afraid of COVID, and a man from New Jersey was charged with the same afterwards. deliberately coughing on a supermarket worker while claiming to be infected with the virus. A woman who coughed up more than $ 35,000 worth of food at a Pennsylvania store was also arrested in March.

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* First published: August 8, 2021, 1:45 p.m. CDT

Rachel Kiley

Rachel Kiley is a writer who writes stuff sometimes and is sometimes based in LA, but is definitely always on Twitter @rachelkiley.

Rachel Kiley


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