Woman seen leading rioters with megaphone had ‘take-out bags’, smashed cellphones and guns in her home, prosecutor says


The Justice Department detailed investigators’ findings in a new request to keep the woman, Rachel Powell, in jail ahead of her trial. A Pennsylvania federal magistrate previously ruled to release her shortly after her arrest, but federal prosecutors appealed the ruling to Federal District Court for the District of Columbia where Powell is being sued, saying she was in the both a “danger to the community. and a risk of flight.”

Powell, of Sandy Lake, Pa., Has been charged with obstruction, depredation of government property, entering a building or restricted land with a dangerous weapon, entering a building or land with restricted access , and violent entry or disorderly conduct. She admitted in an interview with The New Yorker that she was present at the riot and used a megaphone to direct rioters trying to break into the Capitol building.

When officers searched Powell’s home, prosecutors write that they found “several broken cell phones” in addition to “gun paraphernalia.” They also found what prosecutors said, “law enforcement called ‘backpacks’ because they appeared to be prepackaged for an upcoming departure.”

Prosecutors submitted photos to the court, which were obtained by CNN affiliate WTAE, which showed what officers had found at the home. The photos show what prosecutors say they found inside the “take-out bags,” including throwing knives and survival supplies like duct tape, lighters and tarps.

Investigators also claim to have found what appear to be used shooting targets with messages written on them: “Guns don’t kill people. I do.” “Better shot than my ex.”; “Prayer is a good way to meet the Lord but the intrusion is faster!”

On February 4, CNN and other media reported that the FBI had searched his home, but was still looking for Powell. Prosecutors acknowledge this, saying it took 11 hours to detain her despite notifying Powell’s defense attorney, Michael Engle, at 7 a.m. on February 4 of the warrants.

“Midday, (Engle) told law enforcement that the accused was near Harrisburg, Pa., But would not give a specific location,” prosecutors said.

When she was arrested, Powell did not have her cell phone; Engle, prosecutors said during the detention hearing, “she may have been instructed not to bring it with her.”

CNN has contacted Engle about the call but has yet to receive a response.

Prosecutors note that Powell is a mother of eight children; two of them are adults and she shares custody of the other six – aged 4 to 17 – with her ex-husband. They allege that Powell “left the children at home, unattended” on January 6.

On January 30, the day before the New Yorker article was published, prosecutors say she “dropped off the children with her ex-husband without any explanation and no indication of her return.” Prosecutors say the ex-husband is asking for full custody of the children.

Spokeswoman for U.S. Attorney Margaret Philbin confirmed to CNN that Powell was still in custody ahead of a hearing today in the District of Columbia, where a judge will rule on the prosecutor’s appeal.

Patrick Cornell of CNN contributed to this report.


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