Woody Allen's new film brings together new investors who love money more than respect


Photo: Gary Gershoff (Getty Images)

Everyone said that this could not be done – the stars who now refuse to work with him, the streaming service that he sued after breaking his multi-million dollar deal with him, the people who accused him of sexual assault – but this brave Woody Allen, an outsider, has resumed, funding another film. It proves that if you are a white, white author whose films still bring in some money, there is nothing you and a European media conglomerate can not do.

Allen has not yet assembled a series of random names in the title of his latest feature film, which we are honestly too tired to talk about. Mediapro, a Spanish media group based in Spain, which financed Vicki Christina Barcelona and Midnight in ParisIn the meantime, we have dismissed concerns about their decision to join the screenwriter-director by stating, "We have a ten-year relationship with Mr. Allen and, like all the projects we produce, we judge the creator by his work . "

Be that as it may, we are anxious to see what crew of ragpickers decide to jeopardize their reputation before the last voyage of this seemingly unsinkable vessel; Fingers crossed for a 90-minute soliloquy by Alec Baldwin, plunging deep into the way people who do not give respected directors the eighth or ninth chance they deserve so well real pigs impolite and unthinking.



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