World of Warcraft Classic Beta Testers Report WoW Vanilla Features as Bugs


Nostalgic fans of World of Warcraft (WoW) demand the release of the game editor Activision-Blizzard World of Warcraft Classic for years, and they finally get their wish. World of Warcraft Classic is now in beta, but some players were surprised by what they found while playing.

WoW Classic seeks to recreate the "vanilla Sensational"the experience, that is to say Sensational as it existed before a series of seven major expansion packs of 2007 modifying the game The ardent crusade to 2018 Battle for Azeroth. To do this, Blizzard rebuilt the game based on archived data from 2005 and 2006 (patch 1.12 is the goal goal – the current game is on patch 8.1.5). The company is committed to meticulously presenting the experience exactly as was the case at the time – warts and everything – with only a small number of inevitable or critical changes.

The argument for this is simple: what makes classic Sensational Great for one player may be different from what makes it ideal for another. And who are the designers of Blizzard to say what old features were just good or bad for each player? This is an approach that shows that Blizzard believes (at least to a certain extent) that Sensational does not belong only to its creators but to its fans. This struggle between the author's intention or orthodoxy in game design and "the player is always right" is at the heart of many major contemporary games controversies. But until now, Blizzard seems attached to his plan regarding WoW Classic.

So committed, in fact, that modern WoW players are trying out the beta and reporting what seems like bugs today, but what was actually a feature 13 years ago. It has become so common that Blizzard has publicly published a list of known non-issues called "WoW Classic "This is not a bug". "For example, the hitboxes of the Tauren breed are much larger than those of other breeds, and in a modern game this would be considered a serious equilibrium problem (see: Apex Legends). But what is vanilla? Sensational was like, so he was faithfully reproduced.

There are even objects that really look more like bugs than anything else. For example, from the notes:

NPCs that offer multiple quests can display them inconsistently as a dot or "!" on the list of available quests. They were inconsistent in 1.12 and we reproduced the exact incoherence that they had at the time.

Some players were surprised by these apparent flaws – even players eagerly waiting WoW ClassicThis publication based on good memories of vanilla Sensational. In truth, it's been so long Sensational First released, players' memories may not always be accurate. Some details may be cool, but others may be lost in time, and it is these lost details that might surprise players revisiting the original experience. WoW Classic.

Kaviax, head of the Blizzard community, alluded to it in his message from WoW Classic forums that included the list of known non-issues, writing:

As we have already discussed, the nature of WoW Classic sometimes invokes different memories for different actors, which leads some people to misunderstand what works and what does not.

Most people who have spent years playing massively multiplayer online games will tell you that the first game you played has something special – and Sensational was the first for many people. You can become so overwhelmed by the uniqueness of your first experience that you miss many flaws. It is likely that many are watching WoW Classic with pink glasses, many people just forgot what features were added when. And some of today Sensational players may be too young to have even played vanilla Sensational as it used to be.

That's not to say that everyone has an unrealistic view of what vanilla Sensational was like. There were already a lot of people on the WoW Classic Forums highlighting that perceived bugs are only reproductions of the original game. And as stated earlier, a flaw for one player is a key element of the initial positive experience for another. WoW Classic will surely please many purists. But this shows that it will not be for all those who have good memories of the game around 2006.

For some of us, these memories are just that – imperfect memories as they are dear.

Sales image of Blizzard


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