World of Warcraft: Only 6 days after the release of WoW: Classic, a guild called killed Ragnaros the Fire Lord.


While the rest of us were cleaning Deadmines and progressing through the first areas of World of Warcraft: Classic, a guild called APES playing on the European server Gehennas was crossing Molten Core.

Their mission was simple: to become the first guild to kill Kagner Ragnaros.

The community as a whole began to realize their deadly intentions through a Reddit thread that drew attention to the fact that 40 players were currently at Molten Core, the last raid of the games. Apparently, the guild had been quite secretive in its quest to kill Ragnaros, with limited flows and no public statements about their 40-person assassination mission.

Just six days after the release of the August 26 Classic, they achieved their goal and defeated the toughest boss game and the final match.

It was not the cleanest killing and, as you can see on the Twitch clip above, many raid members were dead or about to die. However, it is still a foolish achievement that highlights one of the most popular critics regarding World of Warcraft: Classic. Namely that the game was considered difficult only because of the lack of experience of the MMORPGs, the mastery of the game mechanics and, in some cases, the youth.

A seasoned guild

Hardcore players familiar with private vanilla servers can recognize APES as a high-performance guild specializing in classic content. They were preparing and practicing this killing years before the publication (or even announcement) of WoW: Classic's official servers and their dedication to mastering game shows.

The overwhelming majority of World of Warcraft: Classic players are not close to this stage of the game, especially considering the server queues and normal work / life schedule of your average player. The only players who can kill Ragnaros so quickly are essentially professionals who do what they do best.

Such a killing requires routing, organization and a guild made up of members determined to play practically every hour since the game's release. The discussion about how quickly the Ragnaros would be killed was popular among players from WoW: Classic: some thought it would take at least two weeks, while others were confident about the death of their first week.

We now know who won this debate.

There is a lot of Firelord left to kill.

APES is in the very high percentage of World of Warcraft: Classic players and there are still many, many servers that will not have to kill a Ragnaros for a long time. However, this puts an end to the debate on the difficult problem of WoW: Classic. The World of Warcraft community has dramatically improved its ability to defeat content, and today's hottest guilds have comprehensive encyclopedias of game knowledge, guides, and optimized strategies.

WoW: Classic is a "solved" game for those who are ready to grind and organize to the extent of what APES has done. For the rest of us, however, Classic is a game that we enjoy as slowly as possible.


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