World of Warcraft player reaches level 50 without leaving the starting area


One of the great advantages of an MMORPG game is player choice, and sometimes a World of Warcraft player really extends that autonomy. One of these brave adventurers had managed to reach level 50 without leaving his first zone, a feat that required more than a little dedication and a few worms.

Nobb the Goblin has yet to venture far from Kezan, the home island of the goblins in the fantasy game. Instead, they took on the creatures and encounters that exist there, gradually progressing to the big 5-0. It started with tunnel worms, a good 5,000 of them to reach level 20, then another 10 of banking experience that you are allowed without captioning.

Once he captioned, he started using Alts to complete Dailies that impacted the entire account, slowly fueling Nobb Points to help him out. Goblins become Horde once you’ve completed Kezan’s main questline, and without it Nobb can’t enter dungeons, PvP, or anything like that. This is the only effective method of gaining more experience points, and now that Nobb at level 50 is earning everything, even dailies, that is serious diminishing returns.

Speaking to WoWhead, the owner made a plea for anyone who might know how to reach level 60 without taking eons. The current rate means it will take several weeks to reach level 51. “If anyone knows of any other way to earn XP on alts where mining and herbalism is not possible,” have they said, “Please feel free to share it with me so I can speed up the process a bit more, that would be great.” You can find them on Reddit.

World of Warcraft is offering some cute animals in exchange for donations to Doctors Without Borders right now, and while we can’t help you reach level 50 in the first zone, we have a WoW Classic leveling guide for one. steady progression.


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