World of Warcraft Shadowlands alt-leveling system is a refreshing change



She is certainly happy with it.
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

contrary to World of warcraftof Legion and Battle for Azeroth expansions, which allowed players to choose which areas to improve their characters on, Shadowlands“The story campaign is very linear. Fortunately, you only have to play once. With the new Threads of Fate mode, players who have reached level cap can skip the story with their Alts and go straight into the Alliance Reputation Grind. This is such a great idea.

Before my colleague, Ashley Parrish, brought Threads of Fate mode to my attention, I dreaded the idea of ​​having to play Shadowlands‘linear scenario over and over again to level my alts. While the story is entertaining enough, it’s a straightforward introduction to Shadowlands“Four new adventure zones and the alliances that control them. The real meat of the expansion occurs after the story, as players begin to bond with any alliance they choose. The choice between joining the Kyrian, Venthyr, Necrolord, or Night Fae determines a character’s identity in Shadowlands. It’s the equipment they earn, the additional powers they have access to, and the activities they participate in.

Threads of Fate mode allows players who have already selected an alliance on a character to skip the story pieces and jump straight to the good stuff with their alts. My Thug traveled all of history, discovering the lands of Bastion, Maldraxxus, Revendreth, and Ardenweald while progressing from level 50 to 60. At level 60, she was able to select her alliance, the Night Fae. Thanks to my thug’s heroic sacrifice, my warlock, a gnome named Murlock, was able to jump straight to selecting an alliance.

Murlock still had to pass Shadowlands‘quest for openness, eluding the “inevitable” Maw, but once she reached the central expansion town of Oribos, she had a choice: replay through history, or speed up the selection of alliances via Threads of Fate.

You know it's a serious decision when the prompt to

You know it’s a serious decision when the prompt to “type something” pops up.
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

Instead of going from 50 to 60 through story quests, characters who select the Threads of Fate level by completing World Quests and Side Quests, completing Bonus Objectives, and completing dungeons.

Threads of Fate players choose their alliance from the four available. Then they select a starting adventure area. Players take part in quests and events in the area of ​​their choice, slowly filling up a progress bar. Once the meter is full, players receive rewards and can select a different area to go on an adventure. Eventually, they reach level 60, and can start exploring the Maw and continue to collect resources for their chosen alliance.


You had to have those wings.
Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

For players who prefer a more guided experience, the Threads of Fate mode might disappoint. There is no narrative to follow, as the story quests are all marked as completed. It is up to each player to choose the activities in which he participates. He’ll have to scour the map for world quests, queue for dungeons, and watch out for the cat in order to keep up with the latest appearances from elite bosses that grant rewards. There is more work to be done.

I love the Threads of Fate mode. I have so many level 50 (or near) characters and I’m curious to see what each of the four alliances has to offer. I’m glad they won’t have to suffer the same early expansion slog like my poor thug did.


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