World of Warcraft: Shadowlands was beaten in just three hours


So, you have just purchased World Of Warcraft: Shadowlands, a brand new expansion filled with fantastic and wonderful new worlds to explore. Obviously your first thought is to mess everything up and burn the leveling experience as quickly as possible. So it was for a brave Warcraft player who sprinted through Shadowlands at an all-time high, becoming the first person to reach level 60 by clearing the same dungeon over and over for three straight hours.

Shadowlands may not have fallen until last night. However, as Wowhead spotted, the EU-Al’akir Monkeylool player managed to get through levels 51-60 in three hours – not by effectively searching the game’s five new regions, but by manipulating the Seeker of group of the MMORPG to completely tear off the extension of the expansion. leveling curve.

It is generally believed that running dungeons is a much faster way to level up in World Of Warcraft. For Monkeylool, that meant running the Necrotic Wake instance in Bastion over and over again, running through it at a rapid pace for 5-6 minutes. But dungeons are usually level-limited and won’t allow you to queue for them if you’re above or below their recommended level range.

You can, however, continue to queue if at least one member of the group is within this range. So after crossing the level 56 threshold, the Pandaren Speedrunner Guild roped up a level 51 member to open the doors, so to speak. Wowhead shouts at least one other player, Ryan “BastuDK” Smith, who came second in the race at 60 without the cheeky feat.

Four Warcraft players celebrate against a wall.

But who can stay mad at this happy panda? Well done, mate.

Obviously, the world’s first bragging rights play the most important role in this business. But it does show that leveling is a bit of a reluctant chore in WoW. Something you blow to get to the end of the game, and less of something to appreciate on its own merits. With Shadowlands downgrading reducing the game’s previous level cap from 120 to 60, it’s very likely that you’ll drop from an area long before you complete its plot threads – not to mention that most of the important beats in the story occur in the late game raids. days.

Tangentially, three hours is just short of the runtime for Blizzard’s collated album of lo-fi beats to study and attack. Perfect listening in the background, however long your leveling adventure is.

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