World War Z unveils its post-launch content roadmap •


After a surprise launch of a million sales for the zombie zombie shooter, Left-4-Dead-a-like, World War Z last month, developer Saber Interactive unveiled a new roadmap for the post-launch content, offering various free updates.

Saber is referring to its first block of post-launch additions as Season 1, which will bring "new gameplay, features, and enhancements" in May, June, and July.

In May, a new mission takes place in Tokyo. At the launch, the World War Z chapter in Tokyo included two missions, while the chapters in New York, Jersualem and Moscow all had three. So maybe they've lost this one to the bottom of the couch and are now restoring it. May also brings a new type of zombie that "spits a deadly virus and can resurrect if it is not sent properly".

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<p>Starting in June, World War Z will receive a new level of difficulty "six skulls" with its own reward, plus more premium cosmetics – which, according to the infographic that accompanies it, will include new variants of weapons, skins of characters and accessories. Then, in July, you can expect a new Weekly Challenge mode, more cosmetics and "other treats".</p>
<p>The roadmap also contains a few more things, with private lobbies, a wave-based survival mode, the ability to change class in PvPvZ games, as well as sliders for field of view and level of detail. for PC players, also planned. However, there is no current release date for them.</p>
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Although it was heavily derived from Valve's Left 4 Dead series, Eurogamer was largely optimistic about the charms of the Second World War when it was revised. "It 's very much aware of what it is that game you play with friends a few laps each night when you do not have energy for anything else" Malindy Hetfield wrote, "Chaos is fun. [and] Overcoming big groups of zombies is always satisfying. "


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