World's first Omron smart blood pressure watch


Omron, an ubiquitous name in blood pressure measurement, is about to release the first smart watch that can measure blood pressure directly from the wrist. The Omron HeartGuide sports a bracelet that also serves as a blood pressure cuff and inflates on demand via the touch screen of the watch.

The watch can be programmed to take blood pressure measurements even during sleep. This is particularly useful because sleep time readings can be most accurate when evaluating the patient's baseline. It also monitors the heart rate and quality of sleep of the user.

The HeartGuide synchronizes its data with the Omron Connect app, which also needs to be broadcasted, where users can record their blood pressure readings, heart rate history, and restful sleep.

Omron claims its R & D work to build such a small blood pressure system because some of HeartGuide's valves and pumps are no bigger than a grain of rice. Regardless of the bracelet manufactured, it is supposed to be five times stronger than steel, according to the company. This allows the device to inflate safely at high pressure without breaking.

The device still needs a final review by the FDA and clinical validation, but Omron expects this to happen fairly quickly.

Here is a promotional video for the Omron HeartGuide:

<img src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAABAAAAIBRAA7" class = "hidden lazy" data-lazy-type = "iframe" data-lazy-src = ""alt =" "/>

Product sheet: HeartGuide …


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