WoW Classic players use illicit tools to stay connected and avoid connection queues


If you watch people playing games on Twitch, or if you read about them on websites, or if you just wake up from a thousand-year-old sleep and that's the first thing everyone else is going to do explained was the concept of "video games", you are probably aware of the fact that everyone is going bonkers for WoW Classic now. This resulted in queues of several hours on high population servers. We understand that players are tired of dealing with them. In a less understandable way, some players bypass the rules to circumvent waiting times.

WoW Classic Players report observations from people using "auto-click" programs to automate the click-and-press routines so that the game does not disconnect them when they are away from their keyboard. This way, they will not be forced to return to the queue after, for example, reassure their family that they are alive or ensure that they stay in bed. As a general rule, the characters of these players evolve according to simple and repetitive patterns so as to SensationalDetection software. The use of these types of programs to automate several actions at once is technically contrary to the rules in force. Sensational and WoW Classic, but these automatic click programs remain easy to install and use.

The wider community does not like these readers because they indirectly contribute to queue times by occupying space on the servers. It is impossible, however, to determine the extent to which these players contribute to these waiting times, and they are probably a minority in the face of the incalculable number of ordinary people who simply wish to pass the queue and play the old, old-fashioned MMO. fashionable way. In addition, it should be noted that Blizzard has "dramatically" increased the number of readers able to occupy the same server yesterday, which has minimized the problem of queue on many servers. The most popular, however, still have long queues.

Some players have also tried to use SensationalThe built-in AutoPlay feature helps to avoid uncompromising starts – that is, they end up throwing the adventure in the foreground in the same rock or wall, several minutes at a time. Unfortunately for them Sensational it still counts as AFK, so these players mostly look really fun.

Finally, a special merit goes to the long-standing method of a mega guild, whose members have understood that cold and mechanical automation can not substitute for determined and daunting workers. I am referring to the fact that, as part of their big "Race To World First" event in Las Vegas, the guild has a guy who walks around and periodically presses the AFK players keyboard space bar to They are not disconnected. . It's efficient and Probably not against the rules. So, if you really want to stay connected to WoW ClassicHere is your solution: find a guy.


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