Wrath of the Lich King board game shows off its best bits in new trailer


The publisher Z-Man Games takes Pandemic, the popular board game on stopping the disease, in a new direction. The company reuses the cooperative system, turning it into a linked video game. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King – A Pandemic System Game is due out in November, and it now has a suitable trailer that we’ve embedded above.

The game was announced earlier this month with a trailer. The game’s final look was leaked on Tuesday afternoon when the Wario64 A Twitter account spotted it for sale on Amazon. The game is currently listed there as “temporarily out of stock”. Meanwhile, pre-orders are available through the Blizzard Gear Store and on the Z-Man website. Retail price is $ 59.99.

We still don’t know everything about how the game works. The press release that accompanied the trailer mentions quests:

As you make your way to the Lich King, all manner of dark magic and terrible creatures under his control will need to be neutralized. This comes in the form of quests, a whole new mechanic that can be completed as a team through a combination of dice rolls and using the hero cards at your disposal. However, each quest has its own dangers and obstacles. Complete these quests to get closer to the final assault on Icecrown Citadel, where the Lich King himself resides.

The big draw here – as with many modern crowdfunded board games – seems to be the bits. Wrath of the Lich King will include some nifty 3D features, like a paper Icecrown Citadel. There are also a handful of exquisite hero-sized plastic miniatures like the Horde Warchief, Thrall, Varian Wrynn, and Sylvanas Windrunner.


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