WTF Continues With Federal Student Loan Assistance?


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With the federal student loan forbearance period expiring in October, most borrowers will need to start repaying their student loans for the first time since March 2020, if that deadline is met. But will the moratorium be extended further? Here’s a look at the latest in student loan forgiveness.

The student loan abstention be extended after October?

The chances of an extended abstention have recently improved, although there is no guarantee that this will happen. As Politico reports, officials from the US Department of Education recommend that the White House extend the moratorium until January 2022, although this position has not yet been declared publicly.

And last week, Democratic Senators Elizabeth Warren and Edward J. Markey sent a letter to president biden urging an extension of the moratorium to at least March 31, 2022. The letter highlights ongoing service issues – as services say they are still understaffed – as well as continued financial hardship for borrowers , citing a June survey in which 90% of those polled said they were not ready to resume loan repayments in October.

There’s also the recently announced departure of Granite State and FedLoan services from the federal student loan program effective January 1, 2022, which will affect around 10 million borrowers. As Forbes points out, the maintenance of transfers by entrepreneurs from the Ministry of Education has always been chaotic, with widespread issues including lost records and missing payments. By moving the moratorium to the end of the year, duty officers would have more time to prepare.

What about the cancellation of the student loan?

Biden is awaiting a note from the Ministry of Education on the legality of the president forgiving student loan debt through executive action. While Progressive Democrats have said Biden could write off up to $ 50,000 in student debt with a “stroke of a pen,” the legality of such a move isn’t that clear.

Moreover, debt cancellation is a much more controversial issue that is unlikely to pass through Congress without removing the filibuster. Criticisms of global debt Relief say it’s unfair to people who don’t go to college, that it doesn’t respond to rising tuition fees, and that any forgiveness should be more focused on low-income people.

Meanwhile, President Biden has canceled $ 3 billion in student loan debt by strengthening existing executive loan relief programs The Ministry of Education is pursue further reforms this should make it easier for distressed borrowers to qualify for student debt relief, but it will likely take them up to a year to finalize.

At the end of the line

Although an extension seems more likely than a forgiveness of debt, borrowers should be prepared for regular payments starting in October just to be on the safe side. If you can’t make these payments, consider requesting a income based repayment plan.


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