WWE Raw Results, Recap, Reactions (March 22, 2021): Gas on the Fire


It was a strange sight.

I can honestly say that I liked half of what I saw and didn’t like half of what I saw. WWE 50/50-ed quite the show for me.

A lot of the comedy was a hit with me other than the silly song by Shane McMahon and Elias. But there were some weird decisions that didn’t get me too excited WrestleMania for Gross.

Right now it’s McIntyre / Lashley, Fiend / Orton, Bad Bunny / Miz, Asuka / Ripley and AJ and Omos / New Day. How much does that turn you on?

I like some of them, but I don’t like the most important things. We still have two weeks left. Spin it for me, WWE.

Let’s move on to the main successes and shortcomings of this show. For a complete overview of Gross, check out Reverend Claire Elizabeth’s live blog!

Well … no more fire

Randy Orton still doesn’t understand that you can’t fight fire with … literal fire when it comes to The Fiend.

Before Orton went out, Alexa Bliss said he should be careful what he wants. The idea was for Orton to summon the Fiend and end it once and for all.

Orton came out with a bag and said it was time to officially end The Fiend and Alexa Bliss.

Silly Randy.

Bliss came out and finished the … Bliss in the Box? Fiend’s lighting returned, as did the shrill sound that I didn’t miss.

So what was in Orton’s bag?

… Gasoline.

Fiend didn’t flinch when Orton poured it on him, then Fiend charged him up and Orton hit the RKO. Bliss stepped into the ring and Orton was distracted by her. He got the mandible claw for this. Then a sister Abigail.

And then Bliss showed the sign and he was engulfed in flames. This is how we got The Fiend vs Randy Orton for WrestleMania.


Come on man. What do we do? The presentation of the return of the crisp Fiend was good to Expressway, then they ruined it here. And no Firefly Fun House match? This is the wrong call.

I am very disappointed with this. I don’t know how to get it back. Help me, Cagesiders.

Multiple stories

Most of this match was a town of rest and just proved WWE don’t know what they’re doing Gross. They leaned on the commentary team selling last night’s Sheamus match as he wrestled that match as if he hadn’t fought an Exploding ThunderDome deathmatch at Expressway.

They made this game last week. Lashley has already won. It is not necessary for him to “make an example” of Sheamus as one of the commentators put it. He did already.

So when Lashley punched him, Alexander and Benjamin took him out of the ring and attacked him. Who other than Drew McIntyre made the stop for his unnamed bigger rival Bobby Lashley. He then got into the ring and tried to convince Lashley to fight him, but MVP calmed Lashley down and knocked him out of the ring.

It was a really miserable way to start the show. Sheamus has lost so many games since he turned on Drew and he doesn’t deserve it. Three matches in one week! Two of the three are unnecessary and the two games of Lashley.

The only thing this game did was sell rifts with Cedric and Shelton and Lashley and MVP. Sheamus had to continue to be sacrificed for this. MVP said they embarrass the Almighty both by being there and losing the Gross tag team titles. To fix, they went to Adam Pearce to secure a two-on-one match against McIntyre, which McIntyre agreed to on one condition – if he wins, Cedric and Shelton are banned from the ring at WrestleMania.

McIntyre dominated the two men for the first few minutes and went for the Claymore Kick, but Alexander took Benjamin out of the ring. Alexander scored and almost twisted his knee on the outside. The Hurt Business then dominated the second half and worked well to knock McIntyre down.

But we knew what was going to happen. After a hellish Claymore to Alexander, McIntyre claimed victory. Ced and Ben should just run away and not even come near MVP and Lashley. Of course, they didn’t and MVP chastised them. Then, in an interesting twist, Lashley went to a bunch of guys in the locker room and put a bounty on Drew.

Ricochet was one of those men, and it MUST be him. Please let it be him. I need Ricochet in the Hurt case.

For the rest of it all, I’m saddened by the presentation of The Hurt Business after Lashley’s WWE title win. They immediately lost the tag titles, and now they’re imploding. Give me Ricochet in the Hurt Business, sure, but did they need to do all of that?

Drew is just Drew. I didn’t really think about it, but it was pretty one-dimensional for a while. But I also don’t know how to change it a bit to make it fresh. It’s strange.

On the bright side, Sheamus is officially done with this and is going after Riddle!

Hey hey, hop hop

You might think you know what my reaction was, but trust me … no.

Miz asked who Bad Bunny thinks he is? How dare he ridicule the only double Grand Slam champion? Miz threw it to the tron ​​where a WrestleMania The poster showed Bad Bunny and Damian Priest, but not Miz and Morrison.

They then played their new single Hey Hey, Hop Hop, a Bad Bunny diss track and it was … really well produced actually. He challenged Bunny to a game and said his next match with Jeff Hardy would serve as a poster of what’s to come.

It was hilarious. Stupid, but hilarious. I laughed very loudly. Yeah me! Me who hates Miz and Morrison stuff in general. BUNNY COSTUMES! HAHAHAHA! It felt like a better produced video and song, almost like the great Bad Bunny himself was involved.

Hardy asked Miz to take Morrison out of the ring because we all know what’s going on. Miz surprisingly agreed. If you thought Morrison was going to come back anyway and step in, we were in the same boat. I was very surprised.

As Miz’s hand was raised, BAD BUNNY HIM WITH A GUITAR! As of now, we have a singles match with Miz and Bunny at WrestleMania. I bet Morrison and Priest will be added, but maybe not? It depends on whether Bad Bunny has actually trained for a singles match. If he did, I’m up for it.

Bad Bunny understands. He’s the best celebrity they’ve had on the show involved in storylines.

AJ Rocks! AJ Rocks!

Styles debuted Omos at WrestleMania and said he would team up with the best wrestler in WWE history. He ran for New Day honors and said they couldn’t lose with Styles ‘wrestling ability and Omos’ size.

Kingston interrupted and said they weren’t a real team. Then Woods told Omos that Styles would bring him down because he was a great man with great ability. They then wondered how well Styles knew Omos. They asked what was Omos’ favorite color, ice cream, and WWE wrestler, and Styles failed all three questions.

Embarrassed, Styles challenged Kingston to a game.

They traded choke holds and drops, and Styles was kicked off with a pin attempt. Styles dove over the top rope and Kingston dodged it and shot Styles down. Really nifty, make a pin through Kingston using his legs.

Kingston attempted a Trouble in Paradise, but Styles kicked him in the back of the head and it looked mean. He sold it so well that I thought he had a concussion. He broke the calf crusher, and Styles was gone for the phenomenal forearm, but Woods played the trumpet and distracted him.

Omos went looking for Woods and Kingston took the opportunity to pin Styles. It was a fun match and I liked the tension teasing between Omos and AJ. AJ is also very good with comedy and provided me with another burst of laughter segment.

The rest

Asuka beat Peyton Royce / Rhea Ripley debuted

Asuka opted for an Asuka Lock at first, but Royce made the switch for his own submission. She sent Asuka’s face first through a turnbuckle and hung her up. Asuka went for the hip attack but Royce dodged it and sent Asuka to the ground. Asuka did a German suplex and a knee to Peyton’s face for an impending fall. Royce had a nice sale of Asuka’s facebuster for another near fall. Royce went to the top rope with a double stomp and almost won. She fell at Asuka Lock. Peyton was very well booked here.

AND THEN RHEA RIPLEY GETS OUT! She called Asuka one of the greatest. She mentioned Charlotte and that she is recovering from COVID-19. So, since she’s not there, she challenged Asuka for the title at WrestleMania, and Asuka agreed! Hell yeah! It was not presented as a heel as they said, and I prefer it that way. I’m excited for this one.


HAHAHAHAHA THEY PLAY THE HORN OF THE TRAIN AND THE MOTOR SPINS SOUNDS WHEN BRAUN SPINS AROUND THE RING! Shane doing stupid shit was stupid and yes of course he faked his injury so he didn’t have to struggle. So stupid but the sounds were hilarious.

Reginald’s tag team champions beat Mandy and Dana

Yeah, that was just for Reginald’s continuation as the focal point of the women’s division. Dude can just get in and out of the ring and not disqualify the team or get kicked out. Cool, cool, cool, cool.

Grade: C

What do you think, Cagesiders?


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