Wyoming GOP Senator Mike Enzi will not be running for re-election in 2020


Enzi is the senior senator of Wyoming and currently chairs the Senate Committee on Budgets. He sat in the Senate for 22 years after his first Senate election in 1996.

Enzi made the announcement at a press conference in Gillette, Wyoming.

"I still have a lot to do in the next 18 months," he said, according to the text of his speech. "I want to be able to focus on budget reform to control our national debt, several small business initiatives, protect and diversify jobs in Wyoming, I do not want to be overwhelmed by the distractions of a campaign." I find other ways to serve. "

"I am sorry to hear that Senator Mike Enzi will retire from the Senate, well deserved, at the end of next year.His departure will be our loss," said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, in a statement. "I am pleased that Mike's leadership and expertise in tax policy, the federal budget and many other topics remain on which we can build over the next 18 months."

The other Wyoming Republicans congratulated the senator in his Saturday statement, citing Enzi's career in Congress.

"The character, courage and credibility of Mike Enzi have made him a respected moral leader in the US Senate, and in four Senate terms he has never failed in his commitment to God, family or Wyoming" said Republican Senator John Barrasso in a statement. react to the news.

"The Senate and Wyoming will miss the valuable leadership of the trusted boss of our congressional delegation," added Barrasso.

Wizoming Rep. Liz Cheney, Republican number 3 of the House, said in a statement: "Mike Enzi has dedicated himself to serving our state and country," adding, "In his 20 years in Washington, he brought the values from our state to the nation's capital, fighting for a smaller, less obstructive and more effective federal government that would allow people to grow and prosper. "

In his own speech, Enzi congratulated the two legislators: "I leave the Senate and the House in good hands as John and Liz are in charge, I see a future where Representative Cheney will be the Speaker of the House and Senator Barrasso will be the majority leader in the Senate ".

CNN's Tammy Kupperman contributed to this report.


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