Xbox Game Studios provides update on Age Of Empires IV


Xbox Game Studios wanted to quickly remind you that they were still working on Age Of Empires IV three years later. Every now and then since the game’s announcement in the summer of 2017, we’ve had a little bit of news on it, but nothing really significant. As it seems the time was mostly spent releasing the final editions of the three previous games. But closing the year on their own news section, the team decided to give a little update, which you can read on. AOE4 part of it below. Although they are talking about part of the development, the team haven’t mapped out a clear path as to when we’ll actually see the game.

Do you think we'll see this game in 2022?  Who knows!  Courtesy of Xbox Game Studios.
Do you think we’ll see this game in 2022? Who knows! Courtesy of Xbox Game Studios.

We are making great progress on Age Of Empires IV. I don’t mean to make you jealous, but we literally play this game every day – in Washington and Vancouver.

Developing RTS is fun – it takes a while to build the separate systems (AI, economics, simulation, rendering, etc.), and then it takes a while for them to come together. But when they do, suddenly you’ve got a game – a game that needs to be debugged, balanced, and tweaked – but the core of the game that you know you’re going to deliver. And the best part is that it looks like a Age of Empires Game.

Our partners at Relic have been incredible backbones as we all migrated development from the home office and changed (trial and error) our processes to help facilitate productivity to keep the game on track. So much passion, such great developers, artists, designers, narrators, audio experts and community, not to mention the basic functions that make the business run.

About Gavin Sheehan

Gavin is the current game editor for Bleeding Cool. He’s a longtime geek who can chat with you about comics, TV, video games, and even pro wrestling. It can also teach you how to play Star Trek chess, be your mercy on Overwatch, recommend random cool music, and become a thug in D&D. He also likes hundreds of other geeky things that can’t be covered in one paragraph. Follow @TheGavinSheehan on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Vero, for random photos and thoughts.

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