Xbox Live services down? Problems on multiple platforms


Xbox Live is currently experiencing issues that prevent Windows and Xbox Store users from purchasing downloadable products. If you were hoping to buy Battletoads today and start trying your luck with the Amphibian Trio, you may have to wait a little longer.

No timeline has been given for resolving the issue, but Microsoft said its team is investigating the issue and will keep players updated on its Twitter page and the official Xbox Live status site. You can also sign in to your Microsoft account on this site to be notified when it is resolved.

This issue affects not only Xbox One and PC users, but also Xbox 360 and Xbox website users.

The issue also seems to cause an additional problem for those using prepaid cards or codes on Xbox One in particular. If you have an Xbox Live Gold card that you’re trying to use and you run out of membership time, you might also have to wait.


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