Xbox One X saves $ 100 when selling Microsoft to E3


The 4K version of the console will be $ 100 cheaper until June 17. Different packages are available for $ 400. Like other Xbox One S sets, you'll get $ 50 off Fortnite Battle Royale Special Edition package ($ 250), as well as the all-digital version of the Xbox One S ($ 200). There are also discounts on controllers.

And of course, you can save on a lot of games until June 17, including a lot of recent releases. Anthem is on sale for $ 30 (although Amazon has a version for $ 24) and Sekiro: the shadows are dying twice went from $ 60 to $ 48. Other newcomers, including Kingdom Hearts III ($ 30), Mortal Kombat 11 ($ 50), Division 2 ($ 39) and the Resident Evil 2 remake ($ 36) are also on sale.

You can buy many other games at reduced prices over the next 10 days, such as Red Dead Redemption 2 ($ 35), Battlefield V ($ 28) Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 ($ 32) and Sea of ​​Thieves ($ 25) It should also be checked are Hitman 2 ($ 24), Mega Man 11 ($ 17), Monster Hunter: the world ($ 20), Star Wars Battlefront II ($ 7.50) and Titanfall 2 ($ 4.50).

You can expect daily offers. Today is half extinguished Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare – Luxury Digital Edition, which dropped to $ 50.


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