Xenoblade Chronicles 2 sells in Japan after Pyra and Mythra smash announcement



Could Xenoblade Chronicles 2 finally get the hype it deserves? With just over 2 million worldwide sales since its release in 2017 – take Breath of the Wild’s 23 million sales for comparison – it’s still the best-selling Xenoblade game by around a half. million.

Following the announcement of Pyra and Mythra’s addition to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s roster, people flocked to see the girls (or, uh, girl) in action. As a result, copies of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 are out of stock on Amazon Japan, and the US version from Amazon is also out of stock.

It could be argued that this was Nintendo’s plan from the start – Smash Bros. has the power to revitalize a broken series or bring attention to an underrated series. Perhaps, however, Nintendo is just setting the stage for a brand new Xenoblade game – or a Switch port of Xenoblade Chronicles X. We can hope, can’t we?

Are you a hardcore Xenoblade stan? Leave your thoughts on what it all means in the comments.


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