Yair Rodriguez suspended six months by USADA


Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) President Dana White recently told Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) media that top-ranked featherweight phenomenon Yair Rodriguez will not return to the Octagon in a foreseeable future.

Now we know why.

Rodriguez, 28, has been suspended by the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) after failing to report his whereabouts a total of three times in the past 12 months. Athletes need to be available 24 hours a day for drug testing, which Yancy Medeiros discovered the hard way.

“Rodriguez did not update his whereabouts information and was not available for testing at the locations indicated in his whereabouts documents on three occasions,” USADA officials wrote in a statement ( via MMA Fighting). “He has accumulated one whereabouts breach in each of the first three quarters of 2020. The accumulation of three whereabouts breaches over a 12-month period is a violation of UFC policy against doping.”

Rodriguez (13-2, 1 NC) is not the first UFC fighter to be benched for a whereabouts violation. Nick Diaz (shocker) was also seated in 2017 because USADA officials couldn’t locate him. When they finally found him, things went from bed to worst.

‘Pantera’, currently ranked No. 4 at 145 pounds, was due to face Zabit Magomedsharipov after recovering from his ankle injury; However, that fight is now likely to take place at “The Korean Zombie” at some point in early 2021.


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