Yakuza Fan is here to fix PC versions of the series again


As I have said, it’s a bit difficult to go back and play older Yakuza games in 2021, and not just because of the stiffer animation and lack of first-person perspective. PC versions of Yakuzas 3, 4 & 5 also have (or have had) some technical issues.

A few weeks ago modder Silent – which we covered a few years ago do much the same for Yakuza 0– released their own patch for Yakuzas 3 & 4, which fixed things like too high CPU usage and crashes that occurred when ending a fight with a heat move (the perfect way to end a fight!).

Sega then released their own official patch that did … for the most part the same things! With all that sorted out, it was time to take a look at Yakuza 5, where he managed to fix issues like, once again, too high CPU usage, dynamic resolution issues, and a weird bug where anyone with non-ASCII characters in their name would crash if they used them. game photo booths.

Maybe Sega will come later and fix them with an official update as well, but if they don’t, or if you want to fix them now, you can download the unofficial patch from Silent. here.


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