Yankees fan banned after hitting Alex Verdugo with a ball


The Yankee Stadium fan who threw a ball that hit Red Sox outfielder Alex Verdugo on Saturday night attended his last game in the Bronx – or any other MLB stadium.

The fan was banned for life from Yankee Stadium and the 29 other MLB parks, a team spokesperson said on Sunday following an expulsion following the incident in the game’s sixth round. Saturday.

Red Sox outfielder Alex Verdugo returns to the pitch after Saturday's incident.
Red Sox outfielder Alex Verdugo returns to the pitch after Saturday’s incident.
Bill Kostroun / New York Post

“While the Yankees appreciate the spirit and passion of our fans in our various rivalries – especially with the Red Sox – reckless, disorderly and dangerous behavior that endangers the safety of players, field staff or others fans will not be tolerated, ”he added. Yankees said in a statement. “There’s absolutely no room for that at Yankee Stadium. The safety of everyone at Yankee Stadium, including guests in the stands and players on the pitch, will always be the top priority for the Yankees organization whenever we open our doors. ”

Verdugo had thrown a ball into the stands in left field before the end of the sixth inning, targeting a Red Sox fan, but it ended up in the hands of a Yankees fan. In the middle of chants to send him back, the fan threw the ball into the field and it hit Verdugo in the back.

Red Sox manager Alex Cora quickly pulled his team off the pitch after Verdugo started speaking angrily to fans in the left-field seats.

“[Saturday] was an incident, ”Cora said on Sunday. “Someone made a bad decision throwing a baseball. … One thing’s for sure, when I went out there it was loud and it got mean, on both sides. I just needed to calm down [Verdugo] down. That’s the only reason I took everyone off the field.


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