Yankees-White Sox Field of Dreams in MLB The Show 21


Dyersville, the Iowa Field of Dreams, the site of the August 12 Major League Baseball game between the New York Yankees and the Chicago White Sox, will be playable in MLB the show 21 following a free update on Tuesday. The trailer above shows what that looks like in action, with the new Bronx bomber Anthony Rizzo (acquired from the Cubs on July 29) blowing up the Mazola from a delivery by Lucas Giolito.

A PlayStation blog post explains the meticulous construction that Sony’s San Diego studio has put into this new park, just as the developers would do in the months-long process it takes for a regular-season MLB setup.

“As the stadium construction in Iowa was not yet complete,” when the developers began work, said environmental artist Shawn Robles, “our designers had to research previous construction projects from the builder to design all of them. the minute details that would make a true-to-life stage interior. Ultimately, our designers aimed to create a playable in-game replica that gives Field of Dreams the respect it deserves and that we fans and gamers would be proud of.

The site, made famous by the 1989 film of the same name, was supposed to host a game between the two clubs in 2020, but the event has been postponed until this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Field of dreams involves the 1919 White Sox, eight of whom were banned for life for their role in setting the World Series that year. The eight, including Shoeless Joe Jackson, played their last matches in 1920.

In the film, as well as in the 1982 novel Joe without shoes, a corn-growing baby boomer (Kevin Costner) is told by an ethereal voice to mow this year’s crop and plant a baseball field in the middle. When he does, Jackson and his comrades come back and start playing ball again. In the film’s finale, Costner’s character discovers that his own father, portrayed as a young man playing catcher for the pre-Ruth New York Yankees, is among the ghosts who have returned.

MLB The Show 21 will have has a week of Field of Dreams-themed live content to celebrate the event. The post didn’t specify what it is, but it will likely include daily moments, challenges, and missions involving the site via the game’s Diamond Dynasty mode.

Much of the Dyersville Field of Dreams is preserved as it was shown in the movie – a simple safety net, wooden bleachers on the first base line, and not much else. For Thursday’s game, the MLB built a temporary facility about 500 feet away, albeit still with fields of corn enveloping the outfield fence and foul territory.

The modest dimensions of the original field (281 feet on the left, 314 in the center, 262 on the right!) Made a larger park as necessary as additional seating to accommodate 8,000 fans. (Diamond Dynasty players would undoubtedly exploit extra-base achievements and all-day XP at such a park.) The temporary site is meant as a tribute to Chicago’s first Comiskey Park, which hosted its last game. a year after the film premiered. .


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