Yasiel Puig attempts to fight the entire organization of Pittsburgh pirates


David Hookstead | Journalist

Cincinnati Reds offensive player Yasiel Puig attempted to face the entire Pittsburgh Pirates team on Sunday.

The altercation began after the Pirates pitcher, Chris Archer, launched against Derek Dietrich. Hell is unleashed. The benches were cleaned and Puig, from Cuba, lost his head.

At one point, the former Dodgers player was detained, then apparently tried to fight the entire opposing team. (RELATED: The MLB's star's house is being robbed for the fourth time – maybe time to improve security)

Look at the absurd moment below.

I am the most anti-violence person on the planet (I am grateful for the love of peace more than everyone else), but even I can admit that this incident is pretty funny.

All the guys who are ready to fight alone against another team's lineup are the ones I want from my team.

It could end terribly badly, but it's all about effort, right?

That said, baseball fights are still such a joke. If it had been the NHL, someone would have had a broken face.

Most baseball fights consist of a lot of screaming, antics and light jostling. An MLB player would run in the hills if he faced an altercation like hockey.

In spite of everything, Puig sent a rather strong message: he has the backs of his teammates. This is never a bad thing for the clubhouse.

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