Yellowstone Tsunami: Earthquake “sent 30ft waves” over park “looked like the end of the world” | Science | News


The park is home to the fearsome Yellowstone Caldera – a supervolcano named for its ability to inflict global devastation if it erupts. Located under the states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, the area is constantly monitored by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) for signs of such an eruption. But geologists were caught off guard on the evening of August 17, 1959, when the Hebgen Lake earthquake inevitably created a new lake on the Madison River as a result of a landslide.

The devastating 7.5 magnitude earthquake claimed the lives of 28 people and caused more than £ 9million (£ 200 or £ 266million today) in damage.

Historian Larry Morris recalled the captivating minute-by-minute saga in his book “The 1959 Yellowstone Earthquake Disaster”.

Detailing a story, he wrote: “Warrant Officer Victor James said, ‘I heard a terrible rumble and looked up.

“’I saw the whole mountain crumble. It was horrible.

“I saw a lot of fighting in World War II, but I never heard such a roar.” “

According to the text, another survivor said: “The roar sounded like the end of the world.”

Mr Morris then detailed how one of the visitors had come within inches of death.

He added, “Camping in Montana’s Madison River Canyon, Irene and Purley (Pud) Bennett and their four children had settled in hours earlier, watching a spectacular full moon as they fell asleep.

“Then Irene and Pud woke up with an ‘incredible growling sound’.

“Pud yelled, ‘What’s going on?’ He got up but was caught in the whirlwind of wind, rocks and water.

READ MORE: Yellowstone scientists’ fears revealed as earthquake hits area: ‘Cannot stop eruption’

“Then the landslide crashed into the Madison River, slamming the river from its bed and tumbling waves 30 feet upstream and downstream.”

And the campers felt the full force of the waves.

When the Madison River was moved, a huge wall of muddy water and debris swept over their campsite.

Mr. Morris added: “The Bennett family, camped downstream of the avalanche, had been hit by one of these tsunamis.

“When she arrived, Irene was face down on the shore, trapped under a still pine, shaking from the humidity and the cold.

“Her whole body was bruised and bloody, her lips swollen.

Fortunately, the Bennett family were saved by rescue workers who responded to the havoc.

Today, tourists to the area can stop by the Earthquake Lake Visitor Center, located 27 miles north of West Yellowstone to relive the horrors of more than half a century ago.

“The 1959 Yellowstone Earthquake Disaster” was published by The History Press in 2016 and is available for purchase here.


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