How old are we? PlayStation consoles, by the pound.
From time to time – thank you, Goblin of Goodwill! –Goodwill will wipe out excess inventory online in bulk, and here are two really great examples of that. First of all, a “GAYLORD FROM DIFFERENT PLAYSTATION CONSOLES(As a non-American I had to google this one, that means a very large, sturdy cardboard box), containing 912 pounds of PlayStation 2, 3 and 4 (which I can see anyway, who knows what hides below).
These haven’t been tested or cleaned, so who knows how many of those 912 lbs are dirt and dead cockroaches.
If a console graveyard isn’t for you, how about a “GAYLORD OF CORDS, CABLES, CONTROLLERS FOR GAMESThat weighs 604 pounds of all kinds of crap, and looks less like a wholesale purchase than my video game collection every time I move.
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Both cases are currently up for auction, PlayStation consoles ask for a minimum bid of $ 800, the controllers $ 650. And if you want to keep yourselfp to date on wilder auctions like this one, Goblin of Goodwill did you cover.
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