You can now play Pokemon Red in someone’s Twitter profile picture


Constantin Liétard created a way for Twitter to play Pokemon Red

through his profile picture. Twitch Plays Pokemon lets the world comment and control a game of Pokemon, Pinned Tweet from Liétard asks people to comment Up, Down, Left, Right, A, B, Start or Select to control an emulated game of Pokemon Red.

Comments are pulled every 15 seconds, according to Liétard, and the most commented entry is sent to the game. The current state of the game is then automatically transformed into Liétard’s 400×400 Twitter profile photo.

As of this writing, Liétard Spearow’s level 6 is battling an odd level 11. Unfortunately, Spearow is currently losing, so hopefully Twitter can find a way to work together to save the Pokemon bird. Oh, and in case you’re curious, Twitter sort of picked Squirtle as the starting Pokémon.

Liétard has restarted the game several times to add more features as it gains popularity, and Liétard manually logs into the game each night to save and ensure progress is not lost. There is also a official discord server which allows those who are interested to discuss the progress of this particular Pokemon Red game.There have been over 30,000 comments to date, and it will be very interesting to see how many it takes to triumph over the Elite Four.

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Adam Bankhurst is a news editor for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.


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