You can now watch the deleted music number – / Movie


Vice number of music

Adam McKayS Vice is a very quirky biopic of Dick Cheney, but there was a moment seemingly too far-fetched to include: a musical number. The number comes at the beginning of the film, where Christian BaleCheney learns the ins and outs of politics Steve Carell"Donald Rumsfeld. McKay talked about the scene previously and verified that it would be included in the Blu-ray version. Now that Blu-ray and digital versions are coming, the scene is finally available to everyone. Watch the Vice musical number below.

Musical vice number

Even if Vice Several times nominated for Oscars, many critics have been left out by Adam McKay's extremely dark comedy. I was on the opposite: I gave a critical review to the film. Is it too expensive? Yes. Does he play fast and bad with the facts? It's safe. But I appreciated McKay's approach and was very impressed by the performances, especially of Christian Bale and Amy Adams.

Now, Vice goes to the personal video, resulting in a deleted scene that is much talked about. While the film was still in theaters, it was revealed that a musical number was being found on the floor of the editing room. In a New York Times article, McKay said that it was the filmmaker Paul Thomas Anderson who had convinced him to cut the scene:

"McKay has also shown" Vice "to fellow filmmakers like Paul Thomas Anderson and David O. Russell. After Anderson, who had attended two preliminary rounds, told McKay that the end of the film had worked well but that the beginning had "had problems," McKay decided to remove two first parts: a musical number elaborate and a prolonged passage defined in the adolescence of Cheney's, Wyoming. McKay loved both but decided that Anderson was right: they were erasing the machines. "

Steve Carell also commented on the scene in another interview:

"At one point, there was a great musical number in the movie. And part of it works in the context of what he's trying to achieve as a film and story, and some not. I think that during the editing process, he clearly sees what is happening and what is not.

I will say that after watching the clip above, I agree that cutting it was the right thing to do. It's still fun to watch, and makes me curious about other deleted scenes that will be included when Vice arrives on Movies Anywhere and Digital 12th of March and on Blu-ray and DVD April 2. A complete list of features is below.

  • Deleted scenes
    • Secondary school
    • Musical
    • Bunker
  • Gaming the System: Making VICE
  • The music of power
  • Gallery

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