You can play 'Snake & # 39; in the Google Maps application


In the midst of all the lame jokes of the April Fools, Google has added an Easter Egg to the cards.

You can now play the classic game Snake in the Google Maps application, simply by pressing the menu button at the top left of the application and selecting the play option. If the option does not show up for you, try closing and reopening the Maps application.

Once you are inside the Easter egg, you can choose between different cities on which you want to play, including Cairo, London, San Francisco, São Paulo, Sydney and Tokyo.

It is interesting to note that each city features a colorful snake like the trains of this particular place (with the exception of San Francisco, which is a tram), and targets that have the form of famous tourist destinations.

The Easter egg is available on iOS and Android apps, but if you can not access it, you can open it in your browser here.

Google said in a blog post that the game would be available for a week in the app, but that the browser version would be available much longer after the end of April.

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