You should have deliberately failed early in the green forest


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Destiny 2


Destiny 2Revelry has arrived and with her comes a new activity, the Green forest. It's a tour of the haunted forest that was itself a tour of the infinite forest, and I appreciate that Bungie is starting to make sure that this mode is up to its potential, at least in these events.

The activity of the verdant forest is however strange. You clear branches to add to a four-minute timer and accumulate additional seconds for a last boss fight in five steps. But the branches are easy to clean quickly and never become more difficult over time.

That's how I had the first try of the 35 branch before deliberately failing by boredom, but I saw destinyThe most difficult will reach the 500+.

This is useless. Not at all. Anyway, you'll end up with the same five-boss fight at the end when your time is up or you're wiping it off, whether it's branch 5 or branch 500. As such, I think that a PSA is in order.

From my experience with the lush green forest, there is no real reason to overtake, branch 20 or more, and this might even be overkill. This will give you about two minutes for the final fight against the boss, but you will discover that killing enemies while Boss fight gives you more time, so it's more than enough. At branch 20, starting with 2 minutes, I had one more minute to stopwatch after killing the five bosses because of the extra time.

Destiny 2


I say this because I do not want to continue running with groups who do not understand that there is no reason to continue at rank 15-20 or higher, which makes this activity much longer than necessary. Yes, there are triumphs that require a lot of melee killing or orb-generation in the forest, and yet, you're absolutely better off starting a new session because at least you'll get more rewards this way . If you kill five bosses after 20 branches or if you kill five bosses after 40 or 60 branches, you get the same five chests and Petrol drops after the boss, except that you double and triple your time without doubling or tripling your reward. If your goal is to get armor and event essence for the Arbalest or Eva packages, you're wasting your time if you participate in these epic series, dozens and tens (or even hundreds) of branches.

If you have fun to see where you can go with friends, of course, go for it. But I think that for a random match, it would benefit everyone if we all agreed that in branch 20, it's the limit, and no matter how much time we have left it is probably interesting that everyone has an interest in relaxing, timing, and starting the boss fight. If you could not add more time via enemies killed in the boss's fight itself, it might be different, but in the current state of things, this seems like the "right" way to cultivate this to unless there is a secret to these infinite races that I miss.

So, let's all agree to fail together. This will make this event better for everyone.

Follow me & nbsp;on Twitter& nbsp;Facebook& nbsp; and & nbsp;Instagram. & nbsp; Read my new science fiction thriller novel & nbsp;Herokiller, now available in print and online. I also wrote & nbsp;The Terre-née trilogy.


Destiny 2The Revelry has arrived and is accompanying a … new strange activity, the green forest. It's a tour of the haunted forest that was itself a tour of the infinite forest, and I appreciate that Bungie is starting to make sure that this mode is up to its potential, at least in these events.

The activity of the verdant forest is however strange. You clear branches to add to a four-minute timer and accumulate additional seconds for a last boss fight in five steps. But the branches are easy to clean quickly and never become more difficult over time.

That's how I had the first try of the 35 branch before deliberately failing by boredom, but I saw destinyThe most difficult will reach the 500+.

This is useless. Not at all. Anyway, you'll end up with the same five-boss fight at the end when your time is up or you're wiping it off, whether it's branch 5 or branch 500. As such, I think that a PSA is in order.

From my experience with the lush green forest, there is no real reason to overtake, branch 20 or more, and this might even be overkill. This will give you about two minutes for the final fight against the boss, but you will discover that killing enemies while Boss fight gives you more time, so it's more than enough. At branch 20, starting with 2 minutes, I had one more minute to stopwatch after killing the five bosses because of the extra time.

I say this because I do not want to continue running with groups who do not understand that there is no reason to continue at rank 15-20 or higher, which makes this activity much longer than necessary. Yes, there are triumphs that require a lot of melee killing or orb-generation in the forest, and yet, you're absolutely better off starting a new session because at least you'll get more rewards this way . If you kill five bosses after 20 branches or if you kill five bosses after 40 or 60 branches, you get the same five chests and Petrol drops after the boss, except that you double and triple your time without doubling or tripling your reward. If your goal is to get armor and event essence for the Arbalest or Eva packages, you're wasting your time if you participate in these epic series, dozens and tens (or even hundreds) of branches.

If you have fun to see where you can go with friends, of course, go for it. But I think that for a random match, it would benefit everyone if we all agreed that in branch 20, it's the limit, and no matter how much time we have left it is probably interesting that everyone has an interest in relaxing, timing, and starting the boss fight. If you could not add more time via enemies killed in the boss's fight itself, it might be different, but in the current state of things, this seems like the "right" way to cultivate this to unless there is a secret to these infinite races that I miss.

So, let's all agree to fail together. This will make this event better for everyone.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new sci-fi crime novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The Terre-née trilogy.


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